5 Questions to Ask Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

Perfect skin. Lasting results. Saving money. These are all reasons to consider laser hair removal.

Don’t spend your time waxing, shaving, or applying depilatory creams time and time again. Cut through the hassle with laser hair removal. It is a safe and easy alternative with more than a few benefits. Not only will you be saving time and money, but you will also able to enjoy smooth skin longer than ever before.

The procedure is not something we talk about in public that often. There are often misconceptions that come with the thought of using a laser, especially when we think of those powerful beams of light that are shown in movies.

To make sure laser is right for you, we give you everything you need to know before scheduling your laser hair removal appointment. We’ll review a handful of key questions to ask yourself before undergoing this treatment.

How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?

If you’ve tried both laser hair removal and electrolysis, you unequivocally know electrolysis is more painful. That is because it is similar to getting a tattoo. During electrolysis, a professional electrologist inserts a very fine needle into the natural openings of your skin that contain hair follicles. The needle, which is typically thinner than the hair follicle itself, then sends electric currents into the opening to destroy the hair growth cells.

As you can imagine, getting jolt after jolt of electric current, no matter how small, is not pleasant. During electrolysis, it may feel like your skin is being constantly pinched or exposed to temporary heat sensation. This can lead to discomfort, which can vary greatly depending on your tolerance for pain. Not only that, but you must be treated every few weeks for up to 18 months.

And while electrolysis can be time-consuming and downright uncomfortable, laser hair removal is none of that. The pain is minimal. There are no burns. And best of all, it gets rid of hair more effectively. In short, laser hair removal is as simple as it sounds.

During the procedure, a laser emits light onto your skin, which the pigment in your hair absorbs. The energy from this light is then converted to heat, damaging the sacs with the hair follicles, and inhibiting future growth of the hair. Patients getting laser hair removal often find the intensity of the heat is bearable, so you’ll be able to get the results you want with minimal discomfort. Best of all, this happens in as little as four months.

Is laser hair removal right for you?

Young Woman Receiving Epilation Laser Treatment On Face At Louisville Laser

Laser hair removal is typically more expensive than other procedures, which may make potential patients shy away. That said, when you undergo laser hair removal, you are not paying for a temporary fix. Instead, you are paying for a lifelong beauty treatment.

Think of it like buying kitchenware. Instead of buying the cheapest pots and pans that will inevitably need replacing, you should make a long-term investment. Buy stainless steel pots and cast-iron pans that will last you a lifetime. Not only will your meals be easier to make and come out tasting better, but you’ll also never have to worry about finding replacements.

The same is true of laser hair removal. Think of the procedure as a beauty investment.  So, when it comes to flawless hair-free skin that has you looking and feeling your best for years on end, the slightly higher price tag will be more than worth it.

What are the potential side effects?

The risks of laser hair removal are far and few between. The most common potential side effect is a slight tenderness of the skin. The treated area will look and feel as if you have been sunburned. Using moisturizers and lotions after the procedure can help soothe your skin.

Other side effects are rare. They include scarring and discoloration of the skin. Scarring is most likely to occur with an undertrained technician. The licensing requirements vary from state to state, and some states have no requirements at all. The best thing you can do is to inquire about where your laser technician was certified.

Click here to see the requirements for laser removal in Kentucky.

Skin discoloration is also extremely uncommon, especially when skilled and experienced technicians handle the procedure. Part of the reason discoloration might occur is that the laser needs a contrast between the skin and the hair color in order to pick out what to target. This means that laser hair removal works best on people with fair skin and dark hair.

Conversely, if a patient has darker skin tones, there is more competition for the laser’s attention. Again, discoloration is rare, but if you do experience skin lightening or darkening, rest assured it is temporary. In most cases, any discoloration will disappear in a few days.

How much experience do they have?

When it comes to finding the laser hair removal clinic that is right for you, one of the best things to do is to select one with a proven track record for success. Like any profession, more experience typically yields better results. While there are not exact numbers as to how many licensed technicians a trustworthy clinic should have or how long they should have been in operation, the larger, more veteran clinics are typically your safest bet.

A larger clinic demonstrates the company’s ability to provide quality services. Meanwhile, the longer a clinic has been in existence, the less likely it is to go bankrupt.

If you’re still uncertain about choosing a clinic with enough experience, feel free to get a dose of public wisdom. Reviewing sites, such as Yelp and Trip Advisor, can help paint a vivid picture as to why some clinics have a better reputation than others. You can also get an idea as to what kind of treatment and customer service you can expect after reading other people’s experiences. Getting honest and dependable opinions from previous customers is one of the best ways to ensure you get the exact quality of laser hair removal you want.

Once you have found a clinic you like, book a consultation. Here you will have the chance to discuss your cosmetic goals and gauge your comfort level with the staff and their experience. During the consultation, the technician should take the time to evaluate you as a candidate for laser hair removal and clarify what the procedure can do for you. Understanding your goals, alternatives, and the clinic’s capabilities will allow you to make the most informed decision possible.

What type of results can you expect?

Laser hair removal typically requires two to six treatments. The interval between treatments depends on the quantity of hair and location on the body. For instance, the hair on the upper lip is treated every month or two. On the other hand, the hair on the back, which grows much slower, is treated every three to four months.

After the procedure, you might notice tenderness or redness. This is not unusual and only last for the first few hours. To reduce the swelling, apply ice to the treated area. You can also use topical cream or moisturizers. Meanwhile, it is also important to avoid the sun as much as possible. If you do go outside, make sure to wear sunscreen. This can help prevent any temporary changes in the color of the treated skin. If redness or irritation of the skin persists, make sure to speak with your clinic to see if there is a problem that needs to be treated.

As for the results of laser hair removal, the hair does not fall out immediately, nor do the effects of the procedure last forever. Any place that says this is possible is making a promise they can’t keep. What happens after laser hair removal is that the hairs are shed over the course of a few days or weeks.

When hairs do come back, they will be finer and lighter in complexion. Through repeated treatments, the growth of hairs will be slowed, and they will become significantly less visible. While laser hair removal is not permanent, you will be able to enjoy hair-free skin for up to a year at a time.


When it comes to hair removal, nothing can beat a powerful laser. Gone are the days of needing to shave. Gone is the need for waxing and hair removal creams. The laser hair removal process is fast, non-invasive, and pain-free. The process leaves your skin feeling smoother and looking silkier than electrolysis or razor blades. Plus, you won’t have to deal with ingrown hairs or red bumps anymore.

This all-around convenience and reliability are what have made laser hair removal one of the common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States today.

So, if you want a long-lasting solution that has you looking and feeling better than ever about your hair, make sure to contact Louisville Laser Med Spa or visit us at 2114 South Hurstbourne Pkwy Louisville, KY 40220 or by phone at (502) 890-9726.