Popular Areas for Men’s Laser Hair Removal

People usually associate hair removal methods and practices with women, but recently men are increasingly turning to hair removal services. Though there’s a stigma around how men address hair removal, about 20% of procedures involving laser hair removal involve men. To be candid, the tediousness that comes with frequent hair trimming is something no one enjoys, and that’s why the option of permanently reducing body hair is an ideal one not only for women but also for men.

What is Laser Hair Removal for Men and How Does it Work?

Laser hair removal is the application of laser light technology to remove body hair. The method involves using lasers to emit just enough pulses of light energy such that they penetrate a hairy person’s skin, targeting their hair follicles and roots. Once that beam of light disables the cycle of reproduction of their hair follicles, the hair stops growing and leads to permanent hair reduction. This procedure doesn’t hurt the skin.

The science of what happens in simple terms is that the light from the laser gets absorbed by your hair pigment and converts into heat which delays future hair growth.

Popular Areas for Men’s Laser Hair Removal


How do you feel after finding out from your mirror that the pesky hairs on your face are trying to join your two eyebrows into one long line? Do you prefer maintaining a certain hairline shape? What about ear hair? If your answer to even one of these questions is “yes”, then it’s pretty understandable why your face needs a better grooming routine adjustment. Most men spend so much time shaving their facial hair, which keeps growing back in extremely short intervals. Laser hair removal helps to give your beard a crispy look and eliminates stray hairs.


No one likes the unavoidable irritation that comes with shaving the neck area beneath the chin. Using a razor to shave the front or back area of the neck can easily result in improper hair growth that comes with ingrown hairs and blemishes. You know how extremely unpleasant they are. Laser hair removal is a game-changer in the hair removal domain as it makes your after-shave feel and look of your skin worth the effort. Razor burns, bumps, and blemishes are a thing of the past. Lasering away hair helps men to save lots of time and money in touch-ups.


Many men feel uncomfortable when in a situation that warrants their hairy body, especially the chest to be seen by their family members or some random people. Some male clients admit that they need laser hair removal because they are too embarrassed to go swimming in the company of their family with a hairy chest. It’s quite a common issue, and that’s the reason lots of clients go for chest hair treatment. Even for some partners, a hairy chest isn’t flattering, and that explains why they will enjoy feeling your just-shaved smooth chest more.


Back hair is one of the most unpleasant hair growth men face, and it can also reduce one’s self-confidence. One additional problem is that you can neither shave back hair nor treat them successfully by yourself. Get your unwanted back hair laser removed and next, you’ll be that confident shirtless guy in the summer heat having fun with friends and family.

Why Do Men Get Laser Hair Removal?

Unwarranted Body Hair/Aesthetics

A lot of men have a problem with excessive hair growth in certain parts of their body, and the discomfort that comes with regular shaving is too much to handle. Laser hair removal makes getting rid of such hair much easier, comfortable and affordable in the long run. It’s, therefore, their best way to laser-remove the unwanted hair on their back, neck, chest, stomach and everywhere else. Also, know that it’s a misconstrued idea that laser hair removal will clean you too much to appear like a hairless fitness model. However, you can still remove your hair that way if you want.

Many guys who prefer treating their chest hair do so because they feel that thinning it out as opposed to eliminating all the hair gives it a finer and sparser look.


The idea that a very hairy body is unhygienic is a misconception. For some men, having hair keeps away irritation but also a great number of guys just want to reduce the amount of bushiness and sometimes the itchiness that may increase in the summer months due to the extra hair. People’s bodies differ, and certain guys just have a lot of hair.

Bad Hair or Plugs Balding
Some men are taking their balding to a whole new level. They prefer treating their hair to do away with sporadic balding, which they dislike.

Is Laser Hair Removal permanent?

Laser hair removal is a state-of-the-art hair reduction method that leaves your hair reduced permanently even if you choose to discontinue the treatment after the first session. So, make up your mind fully before signing up for the procedure. Besides, opting for permanent hair removal puts you in a better position to feel more confident about your looks and feel than going through the trouble of regularly razor-shaving the hair on your neck, back and so on, only to end up with bumps and ingrown hairs.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

The way lasers used to hurt has gone down significantly since more sophisticatedly built lasers are in the market now. However, pain varies per person. Your pain tolerance will determine how much a laser hurts you, but generally, the pain feels more like a pinprick. Such a level of pain is worth it since you’re taking an important treatment.

Typically, laser removal is 40 percent better than waxing when it comes to what hurts more as well as the ripping or skin damage that usually comes from waxing. Note that laser technology helps bypass the epidermis, leaving the skin undamaged and rather causes collagen stimulation.

To find out just how quick and easy laser hair removal for men can be, contact Louisville Laser today. Call us at 502-890-9726 or schedule a free consultation online. Eager for your visit? Click here to see what to expect for your first visit, the cost of each laser treatment, or for more information on our advanced laser technology.

Is Laser Hair Removal Right for You?

If you’re bothered by the stumble, stubborn hairs that leave a dark shadow after shaving, and waxing, laser hair removal may be good for you. Unwanted hair can be extremely bothersome especially if it is in a noticeable area such as your face. Waxing, tweezing, and shaving are just temporary methods used for hair removal and may not be all that effective. Laser hair removal is a permanent method of removing unwanted hair. You no longer have to continue throwing your money away on other expensive spa treatments for hair removal.

One of the most performed cosmetic surgeries in the U.S. is laser hair removal. Laser hair removal works by targeting the hair follicle by using highly concentrated light beams. The hair is destroyed when the pigments in the follicle absorb the light. It usually only takes about 15 minutes per treatment depending on the area being treated. You may be wasting hours of your valuable time on other methods of hair removal just to not have the desired results. Laser hair removal is beneficial for the face, bikini line, underarms, legs, chin, back and other areas.

Benefits of laser hair removal

There are many benefits of laser hair removal besides the fact that it is permanent. Precision is one of the biggest benefits of having laser hair removal. Lasers target unwanted hair without damaging any of the surrounding areas. Shaving, on the other hand, leaves painful razor burn that can be very embarrassing. Waxing can be painful, and you are also adding harsh chemicals to your skin from the wax. You won’t have to worry about that with laser hair removal, Speed is another benefit of laser hair removal. It’s much quicker than any other hair removal method. Lasers can treat areas up to the size of a quarter just within one second. You can have your upper lip treated in as little as 60 seconds. Most patients have experienced permanent hair removal from lasers just after three to seven sessions.

Preparing for laser hair removal

It is best to have laser hair removal performed by a licensed esthetician that is experienced. If you are considering having laser hair removal done, make sure to research doctors and med spas for a credential check. Plucking, waxing, and electrolysis should be limited for about 6 weeks before you start your first laser treatment and should be avoided in between laser treatments. This is because the laser targets the roots during treatment while other hair removal treatments only target above the root. Sun exposure should also be limited for about 6 weeks before and after laser treatments. Too much sun exposure can cause the procedure to be less effective. You are also more likely to experience complications if you expose the treated area to the sun.

Prior to having a laser procedure done, an esthetician or doctor will trim the hair being treated. Sometimes numbing medication is applied. Laser hair removal does not hurt and has been described as a sensation of a rubber band snapping on your skin. Most of the time it’s tolerable and patients don’t need any numbing ointments. If numbing ointment is used, it is given 20-30 minutes prior. It may not take the impulses away from the laser 100% but it will make them less noticeable. Adjustments of the laser are necessary depending on your skin, and thickness of the hair being treated. Normally eyewear is worn during treatment depending on the type of laser being used. A cool gel is also applied to the skin prior to the procedure to help with the penetration of the skin. The technician will then treat one area with a pulse of light to check for any reactions before continuing with the rest of the treatment. Once the entire treatment is complete witch hazel or another anti-inflammatory cream or lotion is applied and the patient is given an ice pack if needed. Your next treatment should be scheduled anytime between 4-6 weeks. You will continue treatments until the hair has completely stopped growing. Even after, some patients come back at least once or twice a year for touch up treatments.

Recovery is not extensive. For a couple of days following laser treatment, you can expect the area to feel as if it were sunburned. You will be allowed to apply cool compresses to the area. If your skin is blistering, you should avoid wearing makeup, otherwise you can wear makeup within a day following treatment. The treated hair will begin to fall out within a month following laser hair removal. If you plan on being out in the sun, you need to make sure to apply sunscreen to prevent any color changes on your skin. You only need to wear sunscreen for the first month following treatment. Make sure that you don’t experience any blistering after your procedure since it is rare, it is highly unlikely. People that have darker complexions are more prone to blistering. However, you may experience some common side effects such as redness, scarring, and swelling. Permanent scarring, however, is rare.

Patience is key when having laser hair removal done. You may not see results immediately, especially depending on the area being treated. Some patients have seen results only after a couple of treatments, others a few. It takes anywhere between 8-12 treatments to see the full effects of laser hair removal. Make sure that you stay regular with your appointments. This is because your hair follicles grow at different stages, so you want to be sure that all hair has an opportunity to be treated by the laser. Also, you can shave in between treatments on hair that has grown back. Shaving is the only method that is okay to use in between laser hair treatments. Shaving does not mean that your hair will grow back thicker and fuller. That is just a myth.

You will not be able to go to the gym after treatments if you are someone who loves to workout. Since the heat stays in your skin up to 24 hours following treatment, hot showers, and gyms are to be avoided. Bacteria can enter the skin and cause unwanted spots to form on your skin. Any aftercare treatments that are given to you by your technician need to be followed. This is the only way they can guarantee the full effects of the treatment.

Are you a good candidate or not for laser hair removal

If you want to know if you are a good candidate or not for laser hair removal, the best thing to do is to talk to a medspa technician. In the beginning, laser hair removal was only beneficial for people that had dark and coarse hair. Now since a lot has changed with technology, lasers tend to work on only some people that have lighter. People who have pale skin and darker hair tend to be better candidates for laser hair removal because the melanin on the skin can be easily targeted when a person has lighter skin and darker hair. People with finer, blond hairs may not be great candidates for laser hair removal because the lasers will have a harder time treating them. If you tan easily and have darker skin tone, you may not be a good candidate for laser hair removal. There are options still for these people with lighter hairs because there are some lasers that can target people with lower contrast hair.

Avoid having areas close to the eye treated by a laser. This includes the area between your eyebrows. Even though eye protection is worn during laser hair removal sessions, it can still cause damage to your eye. Pregnant and nursing mothers should also avoid laser hair removal as a precaution to prevent causing harm to your child. It’s always better to remain on the cautious side even though there is no evidence to back this up.

If you have always dreamt of having smooth, hair-free skin, then laser hair removal is right for you. Laser hair removal is safe, effective, and best of all it is permanent. So what are you waiting for? Call us today at 502-890-9726 or schedule a free consultation online.

Understanding Laser Acne Therapy

laser acne therapy

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) data shows that acne affects 50 million Americans every year, making it the most prevalent skin condition. Although the condition usually affects adolescents and young adults (85% of sufferers are between 12 and 24 years), the condition can affect anyone and continue into 30-40 years and beyond. In fact, acne occurrence has increased among adults. Currently, 15% of adult women are affected by acne.

The importance of effective treatment can’t, therefore, be overlooked. Most acne treatments in the past have had significant drawbacks such as bacterial resistance, systemic toxicities, patient compliance, among other factors covered in many studies. Laser therapy is currently the most viable alternative for individuals who don’t desire or aren’t able to use topical/systemic formulations. The treatment has been used effectively on its own and alongside other therapies in the treatment of acne.

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy uses light (from a laser). The medical treatment uses light tuned to a specific wavelength resulting in a powerful beam. In medicine, laser therapy allows medical practitioners to have high precision levels in small areas resulting in less damage to surrounding tissue.

Laser therapy is an established option in the treatment of acne. The 532nm potassium titanyl phosphate, 585 & 595 pulsed dyer, 1450nm diode, and 1540nm erbium glass lasers have been used to treat acne with variable efficacy.

How does laser acne therapy work?

Laser acne therapy works by scarring. The heat emitted by the laser removes the upper layer of the skin scarred by acne. When this layer peels off, the acne scarring becomes less noticeable. The skin also appears smoother.

While scar tissue breaks down, the light and heat from the laser also encourage the growth of new healthy skin cells. The treatment draws blood flow to the area. At the same time, inflammation decreases as blood vessels in the scar tissue are targeted. All the above make acne scars less raised. They also have little color giving them a less noticeable appearance.

How is laser acne therapy done?

Some of the most common lasers used to treat acne are pulsed-dyer lasers, erbium YAG lasers, and carbon dioxide lasers. Different lasers target acne scaring in unique ways. The treatment procedure can be categorized as follows:

Ablative laser resurfacing: This treatment method uses carbon dioxide or erbium YAG lasers. Ablative laser resurfacing focuses on removing the entire top skin layer of the acne-scared area. The treatment takes 3-10 days before the target area starts recovering (decrease redness) from laser action.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing: This treatment method uses infrared lasers. The heat from the laser works by stimulating collagen production. Infrared laser heat also encourages the growth of new cells to replace scarred tissue.

Fractionated laser treatment: This treatment method utilizes fractional lasers to stimulate tissue below acne scarring to remove dark-pigmented cells under the top skin layer.

Treatment procedure


Before receiving laser acne treatment, you need to prepare for the treatment. Preparation includes avoiding certain skincare products, medicines, supplements, and products like cigarettes that may lower skin tolerance to treatment or increase severe side effect risks. You shouldn’t smoke, take blood-thinning supplements, aspirin, or use skin care products for two weeks prior to receiving treatment.

Treatment day

On treatment day, your doctor will begin by applying a topical anesthetic on the treatment area to reduce pain. The topical anesthetic also boosts comfort during the procedure. Pain killers or sedatives can be used if the treatment area is large.

The treatment area is then cleaned to remove dirt and any excess oil. Laser treatment begins around the treatment area slowly. Laser acne therapy ends when the doctor has worked on the entire treatment area and dressed you accordingly to protect the skin.

Pros of laser acne therapy

There are many benefits of laser acne therapy. The most notable include:

  • Anti-inflammation benefits: Laser acne therapy produces an anti-edemic effect by triggering vasodilation. The effect also results from lymphatic drainage system activation, which drains swollen areas.
  • Painless treatment: Laser therapy has beneficial effects on nerve cells responsible for blocking pain. The therapy decreases nerve sensitivity resulting in less pain and swelling.
  • Increased cell growth and tissue repair: Photons of light emitted by lasers penetrate skin tissue accelerating cellular production and growth. The light boosts energy available to target cells making the cells eliminate waste and absorb nutrients faster.
  • Boosts metabolism: Laser therapy is known to boost the output of certain enzymes as well as oxygen and food particle loads to blood cells.
  • Improved vascular activity: Laser light boosts the formation of blood capillaries in tissue scarred by acne, which, in turn, boosts the speed of healing.
  • Safe treatment: Laser acne treatment doesn’t produce heat. As a result, there is no risk of burning or damaging tissue. The treatment is pain-free, non-invasive, drug-free, and non-toxic.
  • Effective: Laser acne therapy generates immediate noticeable results and routinely produces efficacy rates exceeding 90%. Over 5,000 clinical studies back laser therapy in the treatment of many conditions, including acne.

Cons of laser acne therapy: Possible risks and side effects of laser acne therapy

Laser acne therapy is safe. However, the treatment comes with some risk and side effects in some cases i.e., when the treatment procedures aren’t followed. Other factors like skin type, type of laser used, and a number of treatments can also introduce some risks and side effects.

  • Pain: Some patients can feel pain after laser acne therapy. However, the pain doesn’t last for more than 1-2 hours in most instances.
  • Redness: Some redness can occur. However, it should subside in 10 days or less.
  • Hyperpigmentation and infection: When laser therapy is used to reduce acne scarring appearance, there is a risk of infection and hyperpigmentation. However, this is rare and usually preventable. It’s advisable to seek medical advice on possible laser therapy risks prior to receiving treatment.
  • Costly: Laser acne therapy can be costly, mostly due to the fact that most patients need multiple treatments to get the best results. The therapy is also cheaper than other treatments i.e., topical creams.
  • Works for most, but not everyone: A few people may react unfavorably to laser acne therapy. Although most people respond to the treatment positively, your dermatologist may recommend another treatment. In a nutshell, the treatment may not be ideal to you based on factors such as your skin type or preexisting condition.
  • Results can take time: Some people take longer to get results than others. Most research studies have shown that it takes some weeks (at least 4 weeks) to get the best final result.
  • Possible rare side effects: Although it’s very rare, laser acne therapy can cause blisters, lingering pain, burns, scarring and/or changes in skin color. These side effects can be avoided by seeking laser acne treatment from experienced dermatologists only and following your dermatologist’s instruction to the letter.

Important: You should notify your doctor immediately if you suffer from severe side effects such as extensive swelling, fever, or notice pus on the treatment area after receiving laser acne treatment.

Who is it for?

Laser acne therapy is for anyone who needs non-invasive low-risk acne treatment that has been proven to work for many. Given acne affects persons in all age groups, it’s recommendable to seek treatment if you have acne scarring on typically targeted treatment areas like the face, neck, arms, or back. You can always visit a dermatologist to see if laser acne therapy will work for you.

Laser acne therapy vs. other acne treatments: Does it work?

Laser acne therapy works. However, the treatment must be recommended and done by a dermatologist. As discussed above, the treatment works with most people, but not everyone. Seeking professional advice reduces risks and possible side effects associated with the treatment. It’s also advisable to follow post-treatment advice to the letter for the treatment to work properly. Skincare routines are critical after treatment for the best results to be achieved. You must be vigilant about skincare weeks to months after treatment.

It’s also worth noting that the treatment can be supplemented by other treatments to get even better results. For instance, during healing, your skin needs some topical treatment to reduce vulnerability to sun damage. Applying sunscreen or other complementing topical acne treatments is, therefore, a must during the healing process, especially when leaving the house. You should also avoid tanning, makeup, and keep your treatment area moisturized or the results will be compromised. Your treatment areas should also be clean throughout to prevent infection.

Also, laser acne treatment doesn’t promise to eliminate acne scars 100%. The treatment makes acne scarring less noticeable. The importance of having realistic expectations can’t, therefore, be overlooked. Lastly, if you judge the treatment a day after treatment, you may be tempted to say it doesn’t work. Laser acne therapy takes time to deliver results. However, the results of laser acne therapy are permanent. The same can’t be said about other acne treatments.

Infrared Laser Skin Tightening 101

In its simplest form, infrared laser skin tightening is a process by which the skin on the neck, face, or other areas of the body, are tightened utilizing heat therapy. For tightening loose, sagging skin, laser skin tightening is one of the best options to consider. Here we’ll cover how the process works, the pros and cons, and what you can expect in the recovery process.

How Infrared Laser Skin Tightening Works

Once we hit a certain age (around 30), the collagen and elastin production processes tend to slow down in our bodies. These are two proteins that help the skin appear tight, toned, and plump. Laser skin tightening is a process that targets energy in your skin’s outer layers, utilizing laser heat, to stimulate collagen and elastin production process. It’s important to note that not all lasers are created equally. Therefore, you have to go to a reputable doctor or specialist who performs non-surgical infrared laser skin tightening to see the best results.

It’s (Virtually) Pain-Free

The laser procedure does cause minor discomfort during the procedure. This is because of the high levels of heat that are produced; apart from this, you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. There are three methods of laser skin tightening which are

  • Ultrasound
  • Radio frequency
  • Radio frequency micro-needling


For those looking for a “heavy-duty” lift, ultrasound is the way to go. Utilizing ultrasound energy, the process heats the skin at a deeper depth, meaning it’s lifting from deeper below the skin’s outer layers. A handheld device using ultrasound frequencies is applied to the areas that patients want to be treated. Depending on how loose/saggy the skin is, ultrasound laser skin tightening will improve the appearance of the skin significantly with 1 or 2 treatments.

Your doctor will look at the ultrasound waves to ensure they’re hitting the exact areas patients want to be treated during the procedure. The process takes anywhere between 45 minutes to two hours. Some results are realized immediately. However, the final results aren’t seen until about three months after the process has been completed.

Radio frequency

This process is like ultrasound in that a handheld device is used to heat the layers of the skin being treated. This procedure, however, heats the skin at a more superficial level. It focuses on triggering collagen production in the area. Because this doesn’t go as deep as ultrasound, you might need two to six treatments to see the results. The process is quick and pain-free, typically lasting one-hour or less for each session. Depending on the size/area being treated, you can complete treatments 7 to 10 days apart. The results will also take between three and six months for patients to see the final/best results.

Radio frequency Micro-needling

The third modality for performing laser skin tightening is radio frequency micro-needling. The tool utilized in this procedure is similar to a stamp, not so much a needling pen. It’s a motorized stamper, and it has 37 gold needles that create “micro” tears in the epidermis. It doesn’t destroy the dermis, it just creates microscopic holes with the stamping needles. When the needles are in the skin, they emit radio frequencies. This is how the skin is tightened in this process. With this option, you need three to four sessions, that can be done 4 to 6 weeks apart. It’s advised not to exercise or wear makeup for up to 24 hours after completing the session. Similarly, to the other two methods, results aren’t 100% visible until three to six months after the final session is completed.

Laser Skin Tightening: The Good and the Best

So, why choose infrared laser skin tightening as opposed to other cosmetic procedures? There are many benefits and a few drawbacks worth mentioning for those who are considering this form of cosmetic treatment. So, let’s cover those to help you determine if this is the best approach to help tighten loose or sagging skin.

Pros of Laser Skin Tightening

There are several benefits you’ll instantly realize after having infrared laser skin tightening procedures completed. Some of these benefits are

  1. It is non-surgical
  2. There’s no/limited downtime (24 hours recovery at most)
  3. You don’t undergo any cutting/suturing, or anesthesia
  4. It’s safe for anyone to complete, as long as it’s cleared by the doctor/specialist performing the procedure
  5. The procedure is pain-free and takes no time to complete
  6.  only takes 45 minutes to a couple of hours per session
  7. It tightens and helps smooth out the skin
  8. It can treat any area of the body (face, neck, back, arms, stomach, etc.)
  9. Long-lasting improvements are seen in the exterior surfaces of the skin
  10. Results are immediate (not the final results, but you do see improvements immediately)
  11. It’s great for treating frown lines, fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and other signs of aging
  12. The procedure is non-surgical, meaning it’s non-invasive

The immediacy of this procedure is one of the primary reasons why patients choose it when considering ways to improve the aesthetic appearance of sagging or loose skin. The fact that it’s non-surgical also reduces the risks that are associated with facelifts and other surgical procedures. And, the fact that you have three options to choose from, allows you to pick the method that you believe will deliver the best results (with your doctor/specialist’s suggestions), so you’ll see the improvements you want to see after this procedure is done.

Cons of Laser Skin Tightening

There are a few cons/drawbacks that people should understand before they visit a local surgeon or specialist that offers laser skin tightening in their office. Some of these include

  1. You aren’t going to see 100% improvements (if you expect it to remove all lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging, you’ll be disappointed in the results)
  2. Remember, it may require up to 6 sessions with the different treatments
  3. And, with all three methods, you aren’t going to see the final results for at least three months, so you have to be patient
  4. It is expensive
  5. Although cheaper than plastic surgery, depending on the method chosen, the cost can easily exceed several thousands of dollars
  6. One session of radio frequency or micro-needling is about $600 (depends on where you have it done and the body party), meaning 4 to 6 sessions will cost $2K to $3K.
  7. You still have to talk to your doctor (women who are pregnant or nursing shouldn’t undergo this procedure)
  8. Those who are prone to scarring, keloids, rashes, or skin breakouts, shouldn’t have this procedure completed (or should talk to their doctor before undergoing any of the three treatment methods)

Furthermore, there are no guarantees. In most cases, patients will see the results they want to see. However, a surgeon or specialist is not going to guarantee that they can get rid of every wrinkle on your face or tighten certain areas of the skin/body for some patients. Therefore, people must have realistic expectations if they are thinking about infrared laser skin tightening. Otherwise, it is a waste of money, and you are going to be unhappy with the results.

It’s also important to research before having this procedure completed. Not only do you choose the best specialist in your area, but also to avoid overpaying for the procedure. Today, you can have this done at almost any cosmetic surgery office, and some doctors are licensed to perform skin tightening procedures. Therefore, you’ll want to take your time to compare several offices, patients results, testimonials, and pricing, so that you find the best local specialist where you live, and to ensure you will see the best results possible, regardless of which method you choose for laser skin tightening.

The Recovery Process Post-Laser Skin Tightening Procedure

One of the primary selling points (if not the key selling point) for having this procedure completed, as opposed to cosmetic surgery (or other non-surgical skin tightening solutions), is the fact that there is no downtime. In most cases, you can go back to the office right after lunch when you complete the session. Some people will experience redness, tingling, irritation, or minor pain after they are finished with the treatment session. And, with micro-needling, it is suggested to avoid wearing makeup or doing exercise for up to 24 hours (48 if possible) after the procedure. But most people are back to work the same day and return to their normal routine/skincare regimen the same day.

If you experience pain, irritation, numbing sensation, feel overheated, or are otherwise experiencing discomfort after the procedure, you can call your specialist/doctor to find out if it is normal, or if you should come into the office for a follow-up.

Although it will take up to 3 months to see the results, you won’t experience any downtime or need extra rest after your office visits. You can go back to your normal routine the following day.

***** This post is intended as informational, and should not be used for treating, diagnosing, or as medical advice. Even if you’re healthy and have undergone other cosmetic procedures, it is advisable to seek out the advice of your doctor or a specialist before having laser skin tightening (or other cosmetic procedures) performed.

coolsculpting treatable areas

Coolsculpting: Who it’s for, the Benefits, & Results

We live in a world where we want to see immediate results. The same goes for our bodies. When we diet, we want to see a slimmer figure in the mirror from day one. Although many diets/exercise regimens aren’t going to deliver results immediately, Coolsculpting is a non-surgical solution that can help remove fat deposits permanently, and you’ll see the results almost instantaneously. In fact, it has become so popular in the US, and around the world, that to date, over 6 million procedures have been safely completed. And, the numbers are growing given the great results most people see, and the permanency of the coolsculpting procedure, as long as individuals follow through with their diet and healthy lifestyle after they have the procedure performed.

Here we’ll highlight some of the primary benefits of Coolsculpting, why it’s so popular, the results you can expect, and how quickly you’ll see them. We’ll also include information regarding who should (and shouldn’t) do coolsculpting if they want to see the best results.

What is Coolsculpting and Which Body Parts can be Treated?

Coolsculpting is simply a trademark name for “fat freezing.” It’s a non-invasive (non-surgical) procedure that freezes the fat cells in your body. It’s a body contouring procedure that targets stubborn fat in the body, which diet and exercise alone aren’t getting rid of. By freezing the fat, it permanently removes it from the body.

How it Works

The procedure revolves utilizing freezing temperatures to target fat cells, break them down, and preserve the surrounding tissue in the areas being treated. The process involves

  1. Marking the area of excess fat to be treated and applying a cooling gel over the area
  2. Applicator to treat the area with freezing temperatures
  3. The temperatures are above freezing, however, they’re significantly lower than the individual’s actual body temperature
  4. The process will last about one hour

During the process, subcutaneous fat is frozen, without affecting the surrounding skin and tissue. The inflammatory response by your body leads to the fat melting (or freezing) off as time passes. Depending on the amount of fat being removed, more than one area may be targeted at the same time. The crystallized fat continues to eliminate itself from the body over time.

Many people who do coolsculpting notice results within a couple of weeks. However, the final results are typically seen up to 120 days (or four months) after the treatment sessions are completed.

What Areas can be Treated?

Coolsculpting is intended to treat areas that the applicator can easily latch onto and remove fat. Some of the areas which are most often treated for patients in the office include

  • The stomach/lower abdomen
  • Chins
  • Chest and arms
  • Flanks and lower back
  • Outer and inner thighs

It’s important to note that coolsculpting is non-surgical. The results are permanent, as long as you don’t gain an excess amount of weight back and are within the 20-pound mark of the body weight you’d ultimately like to be. So, as long as you are persistent with your diet and exercise, and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle after the coolsculpting procedure, you shouldn’t see that fat reappear on your body after the procedure.

Who’s it for?

For individuals who want to try coolsculpting and think it’s a miracle solution for weight loss, it isn’t! In fact, the target group of people who should consider coolsculpting are those who are within 20 pounds of their ideal body weight (so not those with a significant amount of weight to lose). Individuals should be

  • Healthy (no serious medical conditions)
  • Physically fit and active
  • Have a small percentage of excess body fat they want to remove

In a single treatment, it’s estimated that about 20 to 30% of unwanted body fat can be removed during a coolsculpting session. So, the results are not only permanent, but the amount of excess fat which can be frozen away is also quite significant. It’s important to note, that in some cases, more than one treatment is required to achieve the best results with coolsculpting for some patients. However, the results are going to be visible, even if only one treatment is done.

What are the Primary Benefits of Coolsculpting?

The primary benefits of coolsculpting are the fact that they remove fat cells/deposits from the body permanently. After fat cells are destroyed, it can take up to three weeks for some patients to really start seeing the results, but the fat deposits are gone, and won’t grow back as long as individuals don’t put weight back on or gain a significant amount of weight.

Some additional benefits of coolsculpting include

  • The results are permanent (adults don’t grow new fat cells)
  • The procedure is non-surgical and non-invasive, you can get back to your normal routine the same or next day
  • There’s no downtime; with most cosmetic surgery, you’re typically sidelined for at least a couple of weeks, not with
  • There are no serious side effects or life-threatening concerns
  • The procedure is quick and takes about one hour in total
  • Coolsculpting is more affordable than other cosmetic procedures, plus it doesn’t require going under the knife (which is inherently risky even with the best surgeons)

The primary benefit for those considering coolsculpting is the fact that you’ll see quick results, the fat is gone forever, and as long as you maintain your weight, you’re going to maintain the great results you’ll see shortly after having the procedure completed.

Is Coolsculpting Safe?

Yes, since 2010, Coolsculpting has been an FDA approved procedure for fat removal. Several studies suggest that cryolipolysis (fat freezing) is a safe procedure and that there are no life-threatening side effects that individuals have to be afraid of if they’re considering this procedure. No serious side effects have occurred in cases where coolsculpting procedures have been performed either.

Although no life-threatening or extremely serious side effects are noted with coolsculpting, it is important to note that some people do experience adverse reactions and side effects. For most, the procedure is painless. Some people do complain of the pinching/grasping being a bit painful, but this is because the applicator is grasping onto the body fat which it is going to freeze away. Additionally, the temperatures are cold, so patients will feel cold during the hour-long procedure.

So, what are the primary side effects? Every individual will react differently, but some common side effects which people might notice following a coolsculpting session include

  • Redness or irritation where the applicator is placed (this typically goes away a few hours after the session is complete)
  • Tenderness or soreness from the applicator grasping onto the fat on their body
  • Minor swelling and tingling
  • Itchiness
  • Muscle cramping
  • Bruising and skin sensitivity

The procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical. So, these side effects are typically mild, and for most people, you can resume your normal activities the same day. It might be advisable to stop exercising for a day or a few days after the procedure, but only if you feel pain or irritation. Otherwise, you can continue your normal, daily activities as normal, the same day or the following day after visiting the office for your coolsculpting session.

How Quickly Will I See Results and are they permanent?

This question is a little difficult to answer since everybody reacts differently. However, for the most part, those who have done coolsculpting will start to see results the same week they have the procedure completed. Over the next two to three weeks, the fat will continue to flush out of the body, and the results will become more prominent. In some people, it can take up to 120 days (four months) for them to see the final results. However, significant differences are seen in many body parts, within two to three weeks after the procedure is performed.

How about the permanency? As detailed above, adults do not produce new fat cells. This means that whatever is frozen off during coolsculpting is gone forever. It also means that you won’t grow new fat, over the areas which are being treated. So, the results should be permanent. With this in mind, for the best results, individuals should maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and diet.

It’s also important to note that fat cells can expand. Remember, not all fat cells are removed. Therefore, if you continue to gain weight or make poor diet choices after coolsculpting, you can expand the fat cells which are still present in your body. As mentioned above, coolsculpting is not a miracle solution, but, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the results are permanent.

Regardless of what you’ve tried in the past, if you’re at a healthy weight, follow a balanced diet, and exercise, coolsculpting might be the solution you’ve been looking for to permanently get rid of the excess fat around your belly. If you’re considering a surgical procedure, step back and think about this freezing alternative instead. It’s safe, non-surgical, non-invasive, and it delivers permanent (quick) results you’re after!

Botox and Dysport: A Detailed Comparison

Who wants to look old and wrinkly as they age? No one, that’s who. Everyone wants a magic drug that will immediately get rid of all unwanted wrinkles and frown lines. The closest we are to such magic is with treatments such as Botox and Dysport.

Botox has been around a long time, which is why it has far more recognition than Dysport. In this blog, we are going to compare all the aspects of Botox and Dysport.

Basics of Botox and Dysport

Botox, as well as Dysport, is made from a protein Botulinum Toxin, which is produced from a bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Both treatments involve injecting the skin with highly purified Botulinum protein which paralyzes the muscles and prevents you from making facial expressions that cause the frown lines and wrinkles.

Botox is injected in small areas such as the space between the eyebrows. It relaxes overactive facial muscles by temporarily reducing the muscle activity in the specific area.

On the other hand, although Dysport is very similar to Botox in terms of its constituents, it is more fluid than Botox. Botox is restricted to the area where the protein, Botulinum Toxin, is injected whereas Dysport is far more fluid. It spreads to other sites after application which allows treatment of several areas at once.

Dysport is especially beneficial for patients who want treatment of multiple areas. It is also different from Botox in terms of facial expressions. Where Botox limits muscle activity and hinders facial activity, Dysport does not affect facial expressions at all.

Injection of medication

Botox has been around longer than Dysport, which is why it has more FDA-approved indications. Still, both treatments only have approvals for treating frown lines between your eyebrows even though both are also used to treat other areas of the body, and can be injected intra-dermally to reduce sweating. This treatment doesn’t work as well because the nitrogenous wastes have to come out from somewhere.

The Amount of Medication Required

Botox is stronger than Dysport, which is why it isn’t needed in a large quantity to get the desired effect. On the other hand, Dysport is a smaller protein that is required in a larger volume. This automatically means that the more it is used, the more the chances are that it will travel to another area. This is good if you’re looking to treat a more substantial area but not if the area is small.

What do the procedures involve?

Let’s say the area between your eyebrows is being treated. In Dysport, the protein Botulinum Toxin is injected into five points located between and above the eyebrow. The injection time is not more than a few minutes, and the pain felt is minimal and very brief.

Similarly, in Botox, the medication is injected into the same area and lasts only a few minutes, with the pain being brief and very minute.

Recovery time and what to expect?

Both Botox and Dysport involve the same recovery procedures. A little tenderness and a few red bumps may emerge, but no bandages are required, and the effects subside after 15 minutes. However, the patients are advised to take precautionary measures and are discouraged from pressing or rubbing the area that has been treated.

How long will the treatments last?

Botox lasts 3 to 6 months whereas Dysport lasts about 4 months after which you will need touch-ups.

Cost of Botox and Dysport

Botox is significantly more expensive than Dysport, but this is also because Botox lasts longer than Dysport.

When will the treatments start to work?

Botox generally takes 4 to 7 days for the effect to kick in whereas Dysport takes effect in 2 to 5 days.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Each type of treatment has its advantages and disadvantages.

Botox is applied to a small area and limits the muscle activity there to relax them. However, by no means are your muscles paralyzed, and you can show as many emotions as you want. However, your facial expressions activity also depends on the number of Botox treatments you undergo. The more treatments you get, the more your facial expressions get limited. Botox has fewer side-effects and risks, but it is expensive and only lasts up to 6 months after which you will need another round of treatment.

If you want to find out which treatment is right for you and additional information then contact Louisville Laser Med Spa at (502) 499-6608.

What’s The Best Hair Removal Method?

Getting rid of unwanted hair has become a modern-day concern. There are various methods to get rid of unwanted hair. Whether it’s a traditional or modern way of hair removal, all methods have their benefits and downsides. The ideal way to remove hair is to follow a method that is simple and pain-free. If you can find something that is quick, effective and leaves no negative side effects, it would be a dream come true.

In this article, we’ll discuss various hair-removal methods, and let you know which one is best for you.

1) Shaving

Shaving stands to be one of the most common ways to get rid of all unwanted hair. It has been used as a hair removal strategy for a long time. Why is shaving so common in today’s world? First, it is a ridiculously simple process. All you have to do is purchase a shaving kit and you can use it whenever you feel the need to. Rather than having to run around for other tools to get rid of your hair, shaving is one of the easiest ways to get rid of unwanted hair.

Second, shaving is the quickest solution to any last-minute plan. What if you just got invited to a party? All you have to do is grab your shaving kit and deal with unwanted hair in a matter of minutes. Most people assume that shaving consistently might result in the growth of thicker hair. Well, that is merely a myth and nothing more. All in all, the growth of your hair, its thickness, and the amount of time it takes to grow, all factors vary from one individual to the other.

Even though shaving is known as the quickest method to remove hair for a longer period of time, it does not help you get rid of unwanted hair completely. The roots, therefore, exist, and hair is expected to grow back soon. It is suggested that you rub your skin with warm water before shaving since it allows your shaving method to execute more effectively.

2) Waxing

Another common hair removal method is waxing. Even though the process is one of the most painful processes to remove unwanted hair, you feel more satisfied once it’s over. Waxing is a highly effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair since it pulls out the hair from its roots. At the same time, its effects tend to last longer as well. On top of that, your skin feels smooth after waxing, which is why for most people, this method of hair removal takes the lead.

However, the pain is excruciating and unbearable which is why you might have weird thoughts before a waxing session. It could possibly discourage you to get waxed again. Waxing can also be dangerous; if the wax is too hot, it might end up burning your skin. It can also harm your skin by initiating various skin diseases for some people.

Nowadays, more people have switched to an organic method of waxing called Sugaring. It consists of a solution made up of sugar, lemon juice, and warm water instead of wax. However, the process tends to be uncomfortable for most people.

3) Hair Removal Creams

Using hair removal creams is another way of getting rid of unwanted hair faster and easier. Depilatory creams, such as Veet or Nair are some of the most commonly used hair removal creams even though they are accompanied by odd odors that not everyone is fond of. On top of that, using hair removal creams can be a messy process since you are waiting for them to soften your hair through chemicals and wash them off for good.

An important point to note is that you must ensure that these creams are suitable for your skin before you start using them. For instance, if you are experiencing allergies, you must confirm whether the cream will work for your skin or cause further damage to it. Moreover, these creams are known to darken your skin and ruin your overall skin color. On the flip side, these creams can moisturize your skin and make it feel as fresh as ever.

4) Threading

This hair removal method seems like magic since your hair is removed by a mere twist of the thread. However, to avoid cuts or ineffective results, you must get an experienced professional to do it for you. Threading involves the twirling of two threads together to grasp the unwanted hair and pull it out in a matter of seconds. Threading, however, is ideal for hair removal in places where the skin is tight, and hair is thin. Otherwise, prepare to undergo an unbearable amount of pain. Threading does require longer time than most hair removal methods and is more ideal for areas like your upper lips or eyebrows.

5) Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has become more prevalent in today’s world. Rather than sticking to traditional methods like tweezers, waxing, or threading, more people opt to use a laser hair removal service. It involves beaming highly concentrated light into the hair follicles. This light beam destroys unwanted hair, whether it’s from your arms, face, legs, or any part of the body for that matter. It is precise and is harmless for your skin. This is a quick process that takes around an hour, but it mostly depends on the body part you are targeting. Laser hair removal targets the roots of unwanted hair and destroys them.

Hair removal is more of a necessity now rather than a party gimmick. Therefore, it is important to select the most effective hair removal method for yourself. The best way to remove your hair is through laser hair removal. This fashionable way of getting rid of unwanted hair is painless and long-lasting, making it the best option if you are considering the perfect hair-removal method.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Today, laser hair removal is emerging as a popular alternative to tiresome and frustrating hair removal methods, such as waxing, plucking, shaving, etcetera. More and more people are following this trend which falls under the category of medical hair removal. Interested clients, before opting for this procedure, may most likely want to get to know what laser hair removal is all about.

Let’s get into the details to know how this technology actually works and bust some of the most common myths (keep reading till the end!) people associate with laser hair removal.

How Does It Work?

This medical procedure makes use of a laser (a concentrated ‘beam’ of light) to get rid of unwanted hair. This treatment can be used on nearly all areas of the body, including face, armpits, legs, bikini line, etcetera. However, special care is taken to avoid the eyelids and the surrounding areas during the procedure, because the laser can cause mild or severe eye injuries.

During the laser hair removal procedure, the laser that is used emits a light that is ‘absorbed’ by the pigment in the client’s hair. This light energy converts into heat, which damages hair follicles (sacs within the skin that produce hair). This damage retards, delays or inhibits future hair growth on the treated areas.

When Are Sessions Scheduled? 

Laser hair removal therapies are very effective in successfully delaying hair growth, but they still don’t usually result in permanent growth retardation.

During the initial stage of hair removal, multiple sessions are needed. After the initial stage, treatment sessions for maintenance will also need to be accommodated.

In normal laser hair removal cases, a series of 2-6 treatment sessions are required. The time interval between sessions varies, depending on the site (area) that is being treated. For areas where hair growth is slow (e.g, back), a treatment session is usually needed every 12-16 weeks. For areas where hair growth is quick (e.g. upper lip & arms), treatment is usually repeated in about 4-8 weeks.

What Affects A Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Since the inception of this hair removal method, it has been based on the contrast between pigments. The laser targets the pigment in the unwanted hair and should be absorbed by the pigmented hair, not the pigment in the skin. The laser is meant to damage just the hair follicles and avoid causing any damage to the skin.

This is where the skin type and the hair color influence (not too greatly now) the success of this procedure. A conventionally ideal laser hair removal case would involve a visible contrast between skin and hair color-light skin & dark hair. In cases when the contrast between these two is mild, the risk of skin damage is greater.

However, technological advancements have paved the way for people of all skin and hair types to benefit from laser hair removal technology. Today, laser treatment options for even those with hair colors which aren’t good at absorbing light, such as blond, grey, white, red, are being developed.

What To Expect During A Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

During the procedure, your medical practitioner will use a hand-held laser device, usually with a cooling component attached to its tip to protect the skin from side effects. Alternatively, a cool gel may be used for this purpose.

The doctor will press the instrument on the skin being treated and activate the laser. Upon activation, the light beam emitted transmits intense heat to the hair follicles, damaging them and inhibiting hair growth.

How much pain an individual experiences cannot be defined for certain, because it varies greatly from person to person. Some might feel as less as a pinching sensation while others might feel a lot of discomfort. The cooling device or cool gel help in alleviating feelings of discomfort and irritability during the procedure.

How To Prepare?

For those interested in getting laser hair removal therapy, it is important to hire the services of an experienced and board-certified cosmologist or dermatologist. This is the first step that is crucial for a laser hair removal treatment to be executed the right way.

It’s also important to understand that your skin will need to be prepared for your laser treatment. Here’s how you can prepare your skin for a laser hair removal treatment.

  • Stay out of the sun. Clients are usually advised to avoid sun exposure for up to 6 weeks before the treatment day. Daily use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen is also essential in avoiding the sun.
  • Avoid other methods of hair removal. Methods such as electrolysis, waxing, and plucking should be abandoned completely for about 4 weeks before treatment. This is necessary because these methods ‘disturb’ the hair follicles, which can often hinder success during laser hair removal treatments.
  • Try lightening your skin. For those with recent tans or darker skin tones, doctors might prescribe skin bleaching or lightening creams to help in generating a better contrast. It is not necessary though.
  • Avoid blood-thinners. Consult your doctor and ask about the medications you should avoid taking before the procedure. These might include anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin.
  • Shave the treatment area. Most people view this component of laser hair removal treatment negatively. However, this is done before the treatment just to remove excess hair spread above the skin. Removing these is important as burnt hairs are likely to result in surface skin harm. Shaving removes the hair above the surface, leaving the hair shaft intact below it.

Some Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal And The Truth About Them

Several myths and misconceptions about the modern laser hair removal technology are circulating among the public, despite its widespread use and popularity. They unnecessarily instill a sense of fear among interested clients, which ultimately results in them going for other ‘better and safer’ hair removal options.

Below are the most common myths about this procedure.

  • The treatment can lead to skin cancer.
    This is a completely baseless statement. Laser hair removal treatment is approved by the FDA, is fail-proof & extremely safe. No solid and evidence-supported links or connections between this treatment and the development of cancerous cells has been found to date.
  • The procedure is extremely painful.
    Laser hair removal is actually relatively less painful when compared to other methods, such as waxing or threading. As we discussed earlier, pain varies from person to person. Even the maximum amount of pain experienced by an individual falls within a bearable window. Professionals take sufficient and necessary measures to ease the client’s discomfort.
  • Laser beams cause harm to internal organs.
    This is not true. The light beams are not intense enough to penetrate your skin that deeply and affect your internal organs.
  • The treatment does not work on dark-skinned people.
    As we discussed earlier, this might have been the scenario years ago, during the initial stages after the introduction of this procedure. Today, thanks to modern technology, treatment machines have been developed that treat both dark and light-skinned clients.

If you want a professional, experienced team who can provide a long-lasting solution that has you looking and feeling better than ever then contact Louisville Laser Med Spa or visit us at 2114 South Hurstbourne Pkwy Louisville, KY 40220 or Call us at (502) 890-9726.

5 Questions to Ask Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

Perfect skin. Lasting results. Saving money. These are all reasons to consider laser hair removal.

Don’t spend your time waxing, shaving, or applying depilatory creams time and time again. Cut through the hassle with laser hair removal. It is a safe and easy alternative with more than a few benefits. Not only will you be saving time and money, but you will also able to enjoy smooth skin longer than ever before.

The procedure is not something we talk about in public that often. There are often misconceptions that come with the thought of using a laser, especially when we think of those powerful beams of light that are shown in movies.

To make sure laser is right for you, we give you everything you need to know before scheduling your laser hair removal appointment. We’ll review a handful of key questions to ask yourself before undergoing this treatment.

How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?

If you’ve tried both laser hair removal and electrolysis, you unequivocally know electrolysis is more painful. That is because it is similar to getting a tattoo. During electrolysis, a professional electrologist inserts a very fine needle into the natural openings of your skin that contain hair follicles. The needle, which is typically thinner than the hair follicle itself, then sends electric currents into the opening to destroy the hair growth cells.

As you can imagine, getting jolt after jolt of electric current, no matter how small, is not pleasant. During electrolysis, it may feel like your skin is being constantly pinched or exposed to temporary heat sensation. This can lead to discomfort, which can vary greatly depending on your tolerance for pain. Not only that, but you must be treated every few weeks for up to 18 months.

And while electrolysis can be time-consuming and downright uncomfortable, laser hair removal is none of that. The pain is minimal. There are no burns. And best of all, it gets rid of hair more effectively. In short, laser hair removal is as simple as it sounds.

During the procedure, a laser emits light onto your skin, which the pigment in your hair absorbs. The energy from this light is then converted to heat, damaging the sacs with the hair follicles, and inhibiting future growth of the hair. Patients getting laser hair removal often find the intensity of the heat is bearable, so you’ll be able to get the results you want with minimal discomfort. Best of all, this happens in as little as four months.

Is laser hair removal right for you?

Young Woman Receiving Epilation Laser Treatment On Face At Louisville Laser

Laser hair removal is typically more expensive than other procedures, which may make potential patients shy away. That said, when you undergo laser hair removal, you are not paying for a temporary fix. Instead, you are paying for a lifelong beauty treatment.

Think of it like buying kitchenware. Instead of buying the cheapest pots and pans that will inevitably need replacing, you should make a long-term investment. Buy stainless steel pots and cast-iron pans that will last you a lifetime. Not only will your meals be easier to make and come out tasting better, but you’ll also never have to worry about finding replacements.

The same is true of laser hair removal. Think of the procedure as a beauty investment.  So, when it comes to flawless hair-free skin that has you looking and feeling your best for years on end, the slightly higher price tag will be more than worth it.

What are the potential side effects?

The risks of laser hair removal are far and few between. The most common potential side effect is a slight tenderness of the skin. The treated area will look and feel as if you have been sunburned. Using moisturizers and lotions after the procedure can help soothe your skin.

Other side effects are rare. They include scarring and discoloration of the skin. Scarring is most likely to occur with an undertrained technician. The licensing requirements vary from state to state, and some states have no requirements at all. The best thing you can do is to inquire about where your laser technician was certified.

Click here to see the requirements for laser removal in Kentucky.

Skin discoloration is also extremely uncommon, especially when skilled and experienced technicians handle the procedure. Part of the reason discoloration might occur is that the laser needs a contrast between the skin and the hair color in order to pick out what to target. This means that laser hair removal works best on people with fair skin and dark hair.

Conversely, if a patient has darker skin tones, there is more competition for the laser’s attention. Again, discoloration is rare, but if you do experience skin lightening or darkening, rest assured it is temporary. In most cases, any discoloration will disappear in a few days.

How much experience do they have?

When it comes to finding the laser hair removal clinic that is right for you, one of the best things to do is to select one with a proven track record for success. Like any profession, more experience typically yields better results. While there are not exact numbers as to how many licensed technicians a trustworthy clinic should have or how long they should have been in operation, the larger, more veteran clinics are typically your safest bet.

A larger clinic demonstrates the company’s ability to provide quality services. Meanwhile, the longer a clinic has been in existence, the less likely it is to go bankrupt.

If you’re still uncertain about choosing a clinic with enough experience, feel free to get a dose of public wisdom. Reviewing sites, such as Yelp and Trip Advisor, can help paint a vivid picture as to why some clinics have a better reputation than others. You can also get an idea as to what kind of treatment and customer service you can expect after reading other people’s experiences. Getting honest and dependable opinions from previous customers is one of the best ways to ensure you get the exact quality of laser hair removal you want.

Once you have found a clinic you like, book a consultation. Here you will have the chance to discuss your cosmetic goals and gauge your comfort level with the staff and their experience. During the consultation, the technician should take the time to evaluate you as a candidate for laser hair removal and clarify what the procedure can do for you. Understanding your goals, alternatives, and the clinic’s capabilities will allow you to make the most informed decision possible.

What type of results can you expect?

Laser hair removal typically requires two to six treatments. The interval between treatments depends on the quantity of hair and location on the body. For instance, the hair on the upper lip is treated every month or two. On the other hand, the hair on the back, which grows much slower, is treated every three to four months.

After the procedure, you might notice tenderness or redness. This is not unusual and only last for the first few hours. To reduce the swelling, apply ice to the treated area. You can also use topical cream or moisturizers. Meanwhile, it is also important to avoid the sun as much as possible. If you do go outside, make sure to wear sunscreen. This can help prevent any temporary changes in the color of the treated skin. If redness or irritation of the skin persists, make sure to speak with your clinic to see if there is a problem that needs to be treated.

As for the results of laser hair removal, the hair does not fall out immediately, nor do the effects of the procedure last forever. Any place that says this is possible is making a promise they can’t keep. What happens after laser hair removal is that the hairs are shed over the course of a few days or weeks.

When hairs do come back, they will be finer and lighter in complexion. Through repeated treatments, the growth of hairs will be slowed, and they will become significantly less visible. While laser hair removal is not permanent, you will be able to enjoy hair-free skin for up to a year at a time.


When it comes to hair removal, nothing can beat a powerful laser. Gone are the days of needing to shave. Gone is the need for waxing and hair removal creams. The laser hair removal process is fast, non-invasive, and pain-free. The process leaves your skin feeling smoother and looking silkier than electrolysis or razor blades. Plus, you won’t have to deal with ingrown hairs or red bumps anymore.

This all-around convenience and reliability are what have made laser hair removal one of the common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States today.

So, if you want a long-lasting solution that has you looking and feeling better than ever about your hair, make sure to contact Louisville Laser Med Spa or visit us at 2114 South Hurstbourne Pkwy Louisville, KY 40220 or by phone at (502) 890-9726.