Laser acne therapy is an advanced acne treatment approach that offers amazing results. More effective than topical creams and oral medications, laser acne therapy provides a permanent solution to acne problems.
Our other facial laser treatments include: chemical peels and facial veins!
Laser Acne Therapy Versus Other Acne Treatments
The most important differences between laser acne therapy versus other treatment options is that laser therapy offers immediate results through a process that is good for the skin. While topical creams and oral medications can be very harsh on the skin, our chemical peels and other treatments purify your pores from the inside out. Immediately, pimples dry and flatten within days post treatment. Any part of your body that has a persistent problem with breakouts can be treated, including your face, chest, and back.
Laser acne therapy offers an effective alternative for those who have not responded to traditional therapies including topical treatments and antibiotics. Clients will experience a significant decrease in the number, interval and severity of acne breakouts. A decrease in the amount of oil production will start after the first laser acne therapy treatment. Additional treatment benefits include a faster clearance of redness associated with breakouts.
What kind of results can I expect?
We have seen laser acne therapy patients show immediate results within 24-48 hours. In addition to drying and flattening of the blemish, laser acne therapy reduces redness and clears skin discoloration. It can also help to remove red and brown spots and tiny broken capillaries sometimes associated with rosacea. Many people who have used this treatment reported a visible reduction in pore size, and improved tone and texture for a radiant, healthier complexion. Laser acne therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments, to help the skin absorb medicines and moisturizers better.
Like our other laser removal treatments, a typical protocol includes six treatments spaced four weeks apart. More treatments may be necessary.
To learn more about how laser acne therapy can permanent resolve your acne issues, call us at 502-499-6608 or book a free consultation at the spa. View the cost of each laser treatment, or learn more about our advanced laser technology.